steady-state creeping câu
steady state
Steady state of being, preceding adverb.Trạng thái ổn định của being, trước trạng từ. This adjustment leads to a new steady state S...

Measured (symbols) and simulated (lines) steady-state operational efficiency of PSII (Canh tác cao tầng (vertical farm) và canh tác tro...

damp heat steady state
1) Damp heat, steady state: The LCD would be put at a place which temperature is 70C and the humidity is 90%RH, it takes 96 hours to te...

quasi-steady state
6) The system may be considered to be in quasi-steady state.Một hệ thống như thế được xem là ở trạng thái gần như ổn định

steady state error
It never improves the steady state error.không bao giờ loại bỏ lỗi trạng thái ổn định. Increase the past oriented feedback I to reduce...

steady state stability
steady state stability (of a power system)Ổn định tĩnh của hệ thống điện (Steady state stability of a power system)

steady-state conditions
Now Equation 9.28 describes the behavior of Vm in the region r a under steady-state conditions (namely ).Bây giờ đẳng thức 9.28 mô tả t...

steady-state flow
Water transport is not just a steady-state flow, as we previously assumed.”Vận chuyển nước không phải chỉ là một dòng chảy liên tục, nh...

steady-state growth
Given the model above, the steady-state growth rate (Tăng cường tiến độ Chương trình Đô thị miền núi phía Bắc ( To measure steady-state...

steady-state response
The applications where this is common are ones where there is interest only in the steady-state response of an LTI system, not the flee...

steady-state stability
Our environmental test box is usually used for steady-state stability test, basic temperature cycle and accelerated stress test.Phòng t...

steady-state theory
Only after more years of work would radio observations argue strongly against steady-state theory.Chỉ sau nhiều năm nghiên cứu hơn nữa ...

You know, we got Russian subs creeping around.Cô biết đấy, các tàu ngầm Nga đang rình mò xung quanh ta. You'd see death creeping towar...

Well, a sure and steady hand did this.Ừ, kẻ làm việc này ra tay rất kinh nghiệm và bình tĩnh. We'll always be ready Steady, boys, stea...

creeping barrage
Supported by a creeping barrage, the Canadians captured most of the ridge during the first day of the attack.Được một hàng rào pháo di ...

creeping crack
"The rift in Larsen C is likely to lead to one of the largest icebergs ever recorded," said Swansea University in Wales, whose scientis...

creeping flow
In such cases, inertial forces are sometimes neglected; this flow regime is called Stokes or creeping flow.Trong trường hợp này, lực qu...

creeping motion
This consists of the slow, creeping motion of the Earth’s silicate mantle across the surface, carrying heat from the interior of the Ea...

creeping takeover
But in a manifesto he released on the day of the attack, he argued that the killings were "atrocious" but "necessary" to alert white No...

creeping tender offer
Another method involves quietly purchasing enough stock on the open market, known as a ""creeping tender offer"", to effect a change in...

a steady gaze
The eyes of the law do not have a steady gaze.Ánh mắt Nhiếp Thiên Luật không chút gợn sóng. The painting depicts a saint holding a cru...

fixed steady
The Word is settled: established, fixed, steady, steadfast.堅固な KIỆN CỔ bền vững;chắc;chắc bền;chắc nịch;chặt;vững;vững bền;vững vàng

For those eight minutes, the footage was rock-steady.Trong suốt 8 phút đó, đoạn phim hoàn toàn không hề lắc lư. My grandfather's cheek...

steady as a rock
That's why your hand's shaking and mine's steady as a rock.Vì thế tay mày mới run rẩy còn tay tao thì vững như đá. "Our economy is sti...

steady current
Starting from Maxwell's equations and assuming that charges are either fixed or move as a steady current J {\displaystyle \scriptstyle ...